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Streamlining automotive delivery management

Seamless Integration and Detailed Insights

Effortlessly integrate our updated Electronic Proof of Delivery (ePOD) app with MAM Software's Autopart system and Driversboard. Seamlessly transition from a Driversboard run to selecting the ePOD option. This integration provides a streamlined process for your delivery operations, ensuring smooth transitions and comprehensive insights every step of the way.

  • Effortless Integration: Seamlessly transition from Driversboard to ePOD.

  • Comprehensive Details: Access complete delivery details, including contact names, addresses, driver instructions, parts, quantities and more.

  • Real-Time Updates: Stay fully informed with real-time updates throughout the delivery journey.

Proof of delivery system


Efficient Tracking and Management

Track deliveries in real-time, ensuring optimal oversight and efficiency. Capture customer signatures, input delivery notes, and capture supporting images for added clarity. Streamline non-delivery management by recording exceptions directly within the app. This efficient tracking and management system saves time and enhances accuracy, allowing for smoother operations.

  • Real-Time Tracking: Monitor deliveries in real-time for optimal oversight.

  • Simplified Management: Record exceptions directly within the app for streamlined non-delivery management.

  • Efficient Communication: Capture customer signatures, input delivery notes and attach supporting images for enhanced clarity.

Get in touch

If you’d like to find out more about MAM Software systems and how they could improve your business perfomance, please get in touch.