Highland Motor Parts discusses how implementing Driversboard has helped their business reach all corners of the highlands

Priding itself on being the largest independent motor factor in the Highlands, Highland Motor parts delivers thousands of parts across Scotland every day. Having such a large area to cover requires a business management solution that can cope with this scale. Highland have utilised Autopart over the last 15 years to develop their business into what it is today.
Autopart is the versatile business management system from MAM software that seamlessly integrates sales, stock management, accounting and reporting processes in one easy-to-use package.
Once Autopart was embedded into Highland, the company looked for other processes that could enhance their growth. Working closely with MAM Software to understand Highland Motor Parts’ goals of expansion and gaps in their business, the MAM team suggested Driversboard as the product to elevate the company to the next level. Driversboard is the vehicle load planning and delivery despatch module that integrates directly into Autopart. It enables despatch managers to optimise deliveries to achieve an efficient balance between customer requirements and operational dynamics. It enables orders to be manually or automatically allocated to the correct route to ensure that deliveries are made on time and service level agreements (SLAs) are met.
Donald McLellan, Managing Director of Highland Motor Parts advised ‘When we arrive in the morning, Driversboard is the first thing we load up, the entirety of the business use this.’ Driversboard’s intuitive interface features a simple loading grid with user-defined colour-coding that enables operators to assess the current schedule at a glance. Donald added ‘We have taken Driversboard and loaded this onto a large screen in the warehouse, every member of staff can see this and know what is being despatched, to where and when.’
‘At the point of implementation, we added the bespoke information and settings that best work for our business, this runs exactly as we want it and it’s vital to the day-to-day running of our business. Driversboard is a software that just works.’
Looking to the future, Donald noted ‘MAM Software have released ePOD, a proof of delivery app which works directly with Driversboard. I’m very interested in adding this into our system.’ ePOD allows drivers to manage deliveries remotely, including full capability to confirm and amend deliveries, fail drops, capture images and signatures and automatically complete deliveries.
Ben Nicholls, Automotive Sales Manager at MAM Software added ‘Driversboard is a product I would recommend for any business to add into their arsenal. It brings a great opportunity to grow your business and reach new areas otherwise unattainable without. The roadmap for Driversboard and ePOD is an exciting one and highlights how digitisation is at the forefront of success for businesses.’
For more information about Autopart, Driversboard or any of MAM Software’s industry leading applications visit https://www.mamsoftware.com/