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NKC Tire Group deploys VAST in its 46 locations

This article explains why the NKC Tire Group now uses VAST from MAM Software and Kerridge Commercial Systems across its 46 locations in North America.

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A car tire with the NKC Tire Group logo on

Family-owned, Nebraskaland, Kansasland, Colorado land Tire Group recently deployed VAST Point of Sale software in all of its 46 locations, including retail, Commercial & wholesale operations.

After 25-plus years of utilizing the Goodyear Business Management System GBMS, NKC Tire Group was looking to modernize its operations with a graphical point-of-sale tire management system to automate all aspects of its business.

“This was a huge change for us after so many years on GBMS, said NKC Tire Group’s Vice President, Carson Wright. “We all were really pleased with how KCS worked with us through this change, and we are now reaping the benefits of the new system, including better inventory management and electronic ordering of parts and tires within our point of sale. The next phase of the project is now to deploy CarSide, KCS' digital inspection application.”

VAST point of sale was designed to optimize business performance and improve customer service practices. The latest version of VAST includes features such as integration with KCS' parts catalog and connectivity solution, VAST Commerce, and integration with CarSide digital vehicle inspections.

“Over the years, we have invested a lot of resources into developing new features and solutions through the help of our customers. Having NKC Tire Group see the value in KCS and our solutions, encourages us to go even further,” stated John Fischer, VP of Sales & Marketing for KCS.

“We are pleased to be bringing on NKC Tire Group and adding another customer to the ever-growing KCS family. We are excited to grow this relationship and look forward to partnering with them on future enhancements,” stated Heather Preu, CEO of KCS in North America.

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